Whenever a child says that I don’t believe in fairies, there’s a little fairy somewhere that falls down dead” – Peter Pan
I believe in fairies and angels as much as anyone believes in global warming. It might be childlike but it’s there in my belief. There’s a world beyond us where angels live and they can see us. They can hear us. Even we can hear them if we try to. The intuition we have is the whisper of an angel. The omens we see are the language of angels.
Angels want us to be happy. So they whisper near us in the form of intuition to tell us what we shall do. They drop omens which we should follow to reach our destination. They grant our wishes if we ask for them genuinely and passionately, and believe that they are already granted to us.
To hear the voice of angels, we have to cut out all the outside noises that dwell in our mind. When there is peace in our heart, we can hear their voices telling us everything that is infallible. You can feel that the angels love you, they care for you. They want the best for you if you are willing to listen to them. You can see them in your dreams, in your loved ones, all around you playing in perfect harmony. The butterfly that catches your sudden attention, the dream that is immaculate in your memory even after days, the beggar that knocks your door when you are about to do something wrong, the music that starts playing in the background when you see your soul mate, the child that sells you pencils when you need to write something, angels are everywhere, you just can’t see them, just hear them, feel them and be loved by them.
angels- The literal meaning of an angel is messenger sent by god. We all have grown up watching the beautiful fairies and angels in books dressed in white and having wings. Most of the children believe that the fairies come and fulfill their wishes, grant them gifts and keep them happy.
On the contrary, I never believed in fairies and angels when I was young. I never used to read the fairy tales that my mom or some one else gifted me. I never realised, but I have always lived in reality, I always believed in real people, instead of imaginary. As a child, I never fancied gifts from santa claus on christmas. I always believed that he doesn't exist.
I don't say that angels don't exist. They do exist. They fulfill our wishes, they make us happy. Whenever we are in need, god sends an angel into our life. This angel arrives in the form of a person, a real person, whom we may or may not be acquainted with. The person can be some one as close as our mother or a friend and it can also be a stranger. Just any one, who is destined to come and help us, when we are in need.
Sometimes, even we are unaware of the fact, that we need help, we need some one, a friend, a lover, or some one simply to listen to us, to introduce us to ourselves. Sometimes, some one teaches us a lesson unknowingly, which brings an immense change in us, and we are left stunned at ourselves. When we don't even need advice, we don't even need help, someone just influences us in a way, that our approach, our personality transforms into a more charming one. These people, who unknowingly affect our lives are, angels.
It just happens, think, when you were surrounded with problems, and there seemed no feasible solution, how some friend or relative, did something, that suddenly elevated you from the enclosure of problems. You suddenly started feeling relieved. They are the real messengers sent by god to help us, to make us happy. God cannot be every where, neither every one has the power of intuition, to identify the hidden omens, but god certainly sends some people, who appear unknowingly, and heal everything.
"God cannot be everywhere, so he sent some special people to our lives, who relieve us from our pain, help us in need, and always ensure that we are on the right path".
hey guys..nice posts yaar! n really beautiful design..but its been quite a while since u wrote a post..wat happnd?