Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Need to be united

my views;

Being a loner always, I thought ‘lions hunt alone’ while ‘monkeys stay in groups’. I never need any company whether I have to eat or shop or entertain myself. I can even laugh or cry alone. After a long self introspection, I realized that whenever I had performed a task with someone, I had felt much better and learnt much more. May be that’s the reason monkeys evolved but lions didn’t.

Someone might love guitar, someone else might love drums or singer’s voice. But when united, everyone and even more people love the music created by the unification of the band’s solo elements. It doesn’t mean that solos are not worthwhile. In fact, they can be worth more than the band. What exactly I think is: when unification is more progressive than each of the solo elements, it’s better to unite, else, make a one man show.

Mind is an attribute of the individual, there’s no such thing as collective brain or collective thought. But brains in synchronization with one another can produce big results. Computer, as we see today, is an example of synchronization of ideas of different geniuses to produce a thing that is more useful than the ideas alone. Everyone has to think alone, generate ideas alone. To combine it or average it with someone else’ idea is their own will.

It has been proved that chanting ‘mantras’ or meditating alone won’t give as good effects as doing it in a group will give. Probably, that’s the reason Osho meditation resorts have a huge hall where mass meditates in togetherness. Sri Sri Ravishankar also encourages the chanting of mantras in mass congregations. But the pre-requisite of all this togetherness is being on the same frequency otherwise it’s futile or may be hazardous.

I always write alone. When I saw Garima’s blog (, I felt the need to create a blog with her and learn something. I believe that this alliance with her will surely improve writing skills of both of us.


my views;

As soon as i heard this topic, the obvious thoughts started coming into my mind. The need to unite with people, relationships,friendship, alliances, marriage etc.

But, something struck my mind, infact a dream, that provoked me to channelise my thoughts into an entirely different direction.

I had a dream, in which I had found a little diary in my old wallet. It had all my childhood experiences written in it. As I turned the pages, I could feel the transition from my childhood,the nursery school, the middle classes,the mischiefs,the crushes,the laughter, the tears..

And when I woke up, I realised that I could relate this dream to our topic, THE NEED TO BE UNITED WITH OURSELVES.

Though, it is a very abstract thought, because in this first post of our joint blog, I should have been writing about the alliance between people. But, the nostalgia had such a great impact on my mind that I felt the urge to write about it here.

We all feel the need to unite with others, due to love, work or for whatever reason. But do we ever consider the need to unite with ourselves, our present,our past..?

How often do you let your mind drown into the memories,good and bad, of childhood and youth?How often do you visit your school, walk through the same old classrooms, and let the wave of memories drown you?

We rarely find time to unite with ourselves, let alone the past. Do we ever take out time to introspect ourselves,our feelings,our emotions, our strengths,our weaknesses?

I believe,that the union with oneself is the most essential union. Until we do not know ourselves, how will we get to know others.

Indeed, this joint blog is going to be a very good learning experience for me. I really don't have words to express my gratitude towards ankur bhaiya,who writes so well, to involve me, a mere beginner in his blog. I wish the best for us and this blog.

Regards, GARIMA :)


  1. JAI HO to both the experts.

    ANKUR MAHARAJ ki JAI. you seem to be a real gyani. keep smiling ji.

    Garima Amma ki JAI. Thank you for everything.
